My entry in the Pixar RenderMan 'Shipshape' Art Challenge. Challenger's are required to use Pixar's proprietary RenderMan rendering software to be eligible to enter. This required me learning the software within a relatively short time frame so I was able to meet the submission deadline.
Challenger's are supplied with a couple of models, with which they have to construct a scene that tells a story. I found the experience to be extremely challenging and rewarding as I had only just started learning Substance Painter a couple of months ago so it gave me a chance to develop my texturing skills.
I was fortunate enough to be selected as a finalist in the challenge by the judging panel. (
Software used: RenderMan, Autodesk Maya, Substance Painter.
Ship concept by Ian McQue. Robot concept by Ruslan Safarov. Models by Cheyenne Chapel, Aliya Chen, Damian Kwiatkowski, Alyssa Minko, Anthony Muscarella, and Miguel Zozaya © Disney/Pixar - RenderMan "Shipshape" Art Challenge