Introducing ‘Rickles’, the latest addition to the cast of The Deputy Davo Show, voiced by the very funny Al Del Bene (Los Angeles Comedy Awards – ‘Comedian of the Year’).
Character sculpted in Zbrush, modelled in Maya (Feather cards arranged in Blender), surfacing in Substance Painter, rendered in Maya using Arnold.
#3dAnimation #CharacterDesign #KidsTV #ChildrensTV #KidsEntertainment #KidsShow #AnimatedSeries #KidsAnimation #EducationalTV #FilmDistribution #IndieFilm #MediaDistribution #Maya #UnrealEngine #SubstancePainter #WildWest #IndieAnimation #CGArt #3dModelling
‘The Deputy Davo Show’ Copyright © 2022 Mark Patching and Paul Brasch.